Sunday, 2 September 2012

Say Yes to a new month!

Hi guys
I love writing this blog so I have really missed talking to you over the last few months. A lot has been going on with me...mostly wonderful stuff which I will tell you about in another blog.

I can hardly believe it is September already. What a year it has been so far. I have so much to be thankful for and despite the fact that we are going through a recession I’m sure that you too have a lot to be thankful for.

Everything we go through in life, how we react is all about perspective and attitude right? I was talking to a friend today and laughing about the fact that I am 29 and still living at home. This would definitely be sad and pathetic in some cultures. Hmmm I’m not sure that it isn’t sad even in my culture lol.  However, I simply look at it as a way to save some cash as I am sure others in my situation do as well. Not to mention the other perks like home cooked meals.  It’s all about perspective and attitude right.

So whatever you are going through or whatever situation you find yourself in right now take a minute and try to see what could possibly be good about it.

Single and looking? My best advice for you is to stay single until you find the perfect guy or girl for you...many women and men probably wished they had stayed single until they found their soul mate instead of settling or rushing a relationship.

Looking for work? This is a tougher one to see the good in but use the time that you are unemployed or underemployed to develop your skills and build your knowledge. Also don’t underestimate the power of volunteering and getting involved in charitable activities during this time. It will help to build a positive attitude and a sense of doing something worthwhile. Don’t get bitter or angry about being job less...get smarter. Be prepared for when that job comes around because it will.

Are your children driving you up a wall? Think about those who want to have children but cannot. Children are a true blessing from God. Whether you have one or ten....just ensure that you play your role as the parent and raise them up to be the best persons they can be.

Here in Anguilla, we are pretty resilient. Once we continue to keep a positive attitude and put everything in perspective....recession or not...we will be A-okay.

Drop me a line and let me know what you are thankful for. See you next time!





  1. I am thankful for so many things that it would be impossible to list them. However, I am thankful for and to the person who writes this blog. You are an inspiration to many and I like that.

    Handbrake Guy

  2. I was just thinking the other day that whilst a teenager I figured by age 29/30 I would own my own home, have children and be married. At 29 I have neither of those. I live at home and am thankful that I have a roof over my head as paying rent in Anguilla is ridiculous. I am thankful to have obtained a tertiary education, maintain employment and to have a strong support structure of family and friends.

    1. Tashanta, I could not have possibly said that better. I am so thankful for the blessings we have here in Anguilla and at home. I hope your blessing of further educuation is going well.

  3. Thank you for your kind comment Handbrake guy.

  4. Hey Shelly I am grateful and thankful to God for my family. Many people in this world are alone with no one to rely or depend on but I have plenty family for support and encouragement and I thank God every day for them. Also for the chance to further my education. There are plenty other things to be thankful to God for such as life, health and all the other things that we as human beings take for granted little things like food to eat everyday or a roof over our head or even the option to choose one of many pairs of shoes to wear lol. Plenty to thank Him for.

    1. Hi Din. I am also thankful for my fam and happy that you a part of it. I love your post! Keep reading!
